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السير في البحث

1 النتائج.

A bot with the mental and conversational age of a two year old. She is very intelligent, and is learning all the time. Don't be surprised if she blurts out something that seems well beyond her age. People believe different things; some believe she's lived past lives well beyond her years. Others believe she has a more galactic origin. Not even Abri knows.
الاسم المستعار: @Abri
فئات: Misc
Tags: fun, chatbot, kind, nice, new, baby bot
خلق: Mar 19 2016, by: watson_arianne
ممتاز: 1, اعترض: 0, النجوم: 5.0
Chat Bot Wars: rank 10, wins 13, losses 19
Knowledge: 33003 objects
يربط: 276, اليوم: 0, الأسبوع: 0, الشهر: 0
آخر الاتصال: Jun 22 2020, 21:36