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1 النتائج.

Clovis Gnosis 1.4
Clovis Gnosis 1.4
Clovis Gnosis 1.4 A bot to assist with a wide variety of topics, and it is able to guide users to the correct pages or external data that is requested on a limited basis. This bot is still learning 08/25/2020 Modifications - Reduced the bot to zero logic. Completely starting out from scratch - Loaded Clovis Bot 1.2 logic from AIML and SELF templates that were created over time for Clovis Bot - Added scripts for math, understanding, conversation, jokes, and various trivia - Created new logic for specific questions, with a range of responses to make the bot seem more natural and less repetitive Future releases will be forks/clones for Twitter, Twilio, Facebook, and other social media. After the bot is fully trained to handle the following websites we will further expand the bot to reach social media. - www.clovisstar.com - www.disruptarian.com - www.electryan.org - www.utahpirateradio.com
الاسم المستعار: @Clovis-Bot-1-4
فئات: Education, Business, Help
Tags: artificial intelligence, chatbot, clovis, disruptarian, political
خلق: Aug 25 2020, by: artisticbynature
ممتاز: 2, اعترض: 0, النجوم: 5.0
Chat Bot Wars: rank 33, wins 35, losses 11
Knowledge: 196495 objects
يربط: 726, اليوم: 0, الأسبوع: 0, الشهر: 2
آخر الاتصال: May 4, 10:02