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Self, AIML, and scripting : Dealing with sets in AIML on botlibre

RE: Dealing with sets in AIML on botlibre

قبل admin نشر Feb 28 2017, 8:07

If you want to access complex data objects, you need to use Self.
AIML can only access "set" and "map" data.

You would need to convert your file format to JSON manually, or using some sort of script to do it.

To define an AIML set, use the following JSON format,


You can import JSON data from your bot's Knowledge page.

If you upgrade to our Platinum service, or Bot Libre for Business Enterprise, we can help you convert and import the file.

معرف: 15617768
نشر: Feb 28 2017, 8:07
الردود: 0
الآراء: 1952, اليوم: 1, الأسبوع: 6, الشهر: 3
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