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Bot Libre Forum : Trying to create a menu, with buttons, that calls responses when the buttons are pushed. Not working

RE: Trying to create a menu, with buttons, that calls responses when the buttons are pushed. Not working

قبل admin نشر May 3 2018, 19:11

If you want to use a subdomain you need to use http not https. https only works with the root domain.

i.e. change https://clovisstar.botlibre.com to http://clovisstar.botlibre.com

معرف: 22064477
نشر: May 3 2018, 19:11
تحديث: May 3 2018, 19:12
الردود: 0
الآراء: 2233, اليوم: 1, الأسبوع: 4, الشهر: 17
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