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Bot Libre Forum : How to create a continuous conversation?

RE: How to create a continuous conversation?

قبل bobred نشر Nov 14 2019, 3:32

default responses are only used when a chatbot has nothing else to say. you should only have one of those. greetings are used when a user interacts at the beginning of a conversation with a chatbot. you can have many greetings. when using previous you have to copy one of your rsponses into it with your selected question or response. focus on learning these things.

معرف: 30189289
نشر: Nov 14 2019, 3:32
الردود: 0
الآراء: 2648, اليوم: 1, الأسبوع: 3, الشهر: 22
0 0 0.0/5