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Bugs and Features

unable to add utf-8 in think text

قبل karthiksg نشر May 30 2021, 1:44


i tried to add utf-8 characters its throwing error - 

screenshot - https://pix.cobrasoftwares.org/image/ycZZ

text error message

Invalid character expected '}' found 'ே'

by admin posted May 31 2021, 19:20
The "think" tag for a response takes an expression of Self code.
You must enter code for the think block, not a string.

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معرف: 38835149
Tags: utf8 issues
نشر: May 30 2021, 1:44
الردود: 1
الآراء: 1142, اليوم: 1, الأسبوع: 9, الشهر: 3
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