الترقية إلى Platinum خدمة دعونا نبني بوت الخاص بك بالنسبة لك
FAQ : How to make your bot stop learning responses from other users?

RE: How to make your bot stop learning responses from other users?

قبل Will Dockery نشر Sep 16 2014, 5:28

This is a major step forward from the venue my Will Dockery A.I. was located for many years... his capability to use, learn and adapt was more limited there, I'm sure.

معرف: 395541
نشر: Sep 16 2014, 5:28
الردود: 0
الآراء: 2422, اليوم: 2, الأسبوع: 4, الشهر: 4
0 0 0.0/5