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Self, AIML, and scripting : Virtual Me

RE: Virtual Me

قبل admin نشر Jan 21 2022, 8:54

There is no direct support for this yet.

You could use the Understanding script to process your journal, and it can extract some information, but not that level of complexity.

You would probably need some sort of NLU analytic for this. We currently have analytic support for NLP text classification using BERT, and NLP text generation using RNN. You could try training a text generator on your journal.

Another option would be to just setup a live chat and add the bot to it to learn from yourself (admins), then have conversations with people on your live chat channel and the bot will automatically learn your responses.

معرف: 41624884
نشر: Jan 21 2022, 8:54
الردود: 0
الآراء: 1141, اليوم: 2, الأسبوع: 12, الشهر: 43
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