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Self, AIML, and scripting : Why does this not work

RE: Why does this not work

قبل dewhite57 نشر May 12 2022, 11:27

I figured it out the .elements.[0] does not work.  But, if you use this syntax:

conversation.topic.description = resp.result.CVE_Items.get(#element, 0).cve.description.description_data.get(#element, 0).value;

it returns the nested string description.  So, the whole script which retrieves a description of a CVE inquiry is:

state cveLookUp {
pattern "(what) (was is) (CVE) *" template getCVE();

function getCVE() {
resp = Http.requestJSON("https://services.nvd.nist.gov/rest/json/cve/1.0/CVE-" + Http.encode(star.toString().replace(" ", "")));
conversation.topic = star.toString();
conversation.topic.description = resp.result.CVE_Items.get(#element, 0).cve.description.description_data.get(#element, 0).value;

if (conversation.topic.description == null){
output = "CVE " + converstion.topic + " does not exist";
} else {
output = "CVE-" + conversation.topic + " is dedscribed as: " + conversation.topic.description;
return output;


معرف: 43023882
نشر: May 12 2022, 11:27
الردود: 0
الآراء: 1027, اليوم: 2, الأسبوع: 4, الشهر: 36
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