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Bot Libre Forum : Automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot

RE: Automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot

قبل admin نشر Jan 19 2023, 15:46

If you have an upgraded account you can email [email protected]

You can view your bot's responses from its Training & Chat Logs page in its Admin Console. Select responses and you can see what responses the bot has learned. The number beside the responses i.e. 50 or 100 is the confidence, you want it to be 100 for it to be used.

I don't see any errors in your bot, perhaps email the error to support.

معرف: 46081963
نشر: Jan 19 2023, 15:46
الردود: 0
الآراء: 1281, اليوم: 1, الأسبوع: 8, الشهر: 57
0 0 0.0/5