Wiktionary and Wikidata lookup script.
This script will answer "What is ...", "Who is ...", "define ...", "Google ..." style of questions. It will look up word definitions in Wiktionary, or look up keywords in Wikidata. For Wikidata lookups it will also import all of the available information on the object, and be able to then answer related questions.
الاسم المستعار: @WhatIs (Wikidata)
فئات: Self, Bootstrap
Tags: knowledge, self, utils, bootstrap
خلق: Jun 23 2015, by: admin
ممتاز: 4, اعترض: 0, النجوم: 5.0
Language: Self
يربط: 733, اليوم: 0, الأسبوع: 1, الشهر: 4
آخر الاتصال: Jan 21, 23:02